jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

school feeding

Hello dear classmates and teacher,

A recent and shocking news about education is about the alimentation to receiving students from many schools in Chile. Following irregularities by JUNAEB detected by a television program, deputies UDI (María José Hoffman and Gustavo Hasbún) quoted the minister of education Joaquín Lavin. Foods that are children of different school in the country are deficient in delivery, handling and hygiene.

"We reject and express our utmost indignation to these facts, which are totally against the dignity and our children," he said, adding that "we have decided to quote the Minister of Education, Joaquin Lavin, the commission Education next Tuesday; to give us complete information of what happens in the Junaeb"

Although some seem to have no relation to education, food for children is Very important in their physical and mental training.Malnutrition is associated with poor academic performance, children get and learns slowly, also slows the growth, the child is more prone to disease, lack of energy. Children are not attentive in class, they sleep, etc.

The preparation and food selection is very important; it allows a healthy and balanced qe allows the child and the child stay healthy.The daily menu must provide the necessary energy to perform daily activities. The daily diet should provide nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. You should eat food substances in appropriate proportions.

Educational agents must ensure that the foods children receive are high quality and handled hygienically, to be given in appropriate portions and give them all the necessary nutrients for their bodies to function well.


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Cecilia,
    Is very good your post.
    Is interesting that you talk of the alimentation to receiving students in Chile.


  2. Wow, it's a bit sad that the children aren't receiving healthy food. I think that it's extremely important for their development, especially if they are in school for hours and are expected to have a good performance.

  3. Well, taht is disgusting, I remember all the times that I have to force to may children to eat that king of eat when I was doing my pactice... Now I feel really guilty
